Engadget 4.1.2

Check out the latest tech news from Engadget's mobile app
There are quite a lot of news sites out there that take care to cover the tech industry’s actions, but few are so well seen in the world. Engadget is one of them and the mobile app that the site has makes things that much easier.

The app has an intuitive interface that’s easy to navigate and enables you to find everything that you may want or need.

Check out the news

The main page presents the latest news. The most important ones are at the top of the page, and you can swipe left and right to navigate amongst them. There are only twenty of these, but worry not, since you can easily read the rest as you explore the app more. Scrolling through the articles, you’ll notice they all have an image attached, as well as a headline, the name of the author, timestamp for when it was published and a small icon indicating how many comments have been added.

The side menu is accessible via the hamburger button on the top left corner. There, you can decide to download articles so that you can read them when you go offline. So, if you expect a long bus ride where you’ll have no Internet connection, then it’s best to be prepared ahead of time and have the content downloaded while you’re still connected to a WiFi network so as not to unnecessarily increase your phone bill.

Wealth of data

In the same area, you’ll find that you can access the most popular news, as well as the reviews available on Engadget, the photo galleries (from reviews, unboxings and hand-ons), and videos. If you want, there is also the option of checking out news pertaining to a specific topics or companies. So, if you want to read about Apple and its products, that’s a very easy feat.

Since Engadget has a few editions available, you can choose which one to view from the same side menu, where you can pick between US, UK, Spanish German, and so on.

The settings area enables users to adjust the font size and to connect to various third-party services, such as Evernote, Facebook, Instapaper, Pocket or Twitter. You’ll also be able to automatically download articles for offline reading every time the device is connected to WiFi. In this manner, the app will always be ready for when you go offline.

Overall, this is a great app and it will serve its purpose of bringing you closer to the latest tech news.

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softpedia rating


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15 Original Screenshots
Hits & Misses


  • intuitive UI
  • easy to use
  • share the news


  • none that we could find during testing
Bottom Line
Design / UI8

The app is easy to use, even though it may not be the prettiest out there.


Get all the tech news Engadget has while on the go


There are no security concerns regarding this app


Normal battery drainage rate


The app is free to use


The app needs iOS 7 and up to work

Editor's Review

Give this app a go if you’re already a fan of Engadget

Reviewed by Gabriela Vatu, last updated on March 11th, 13:45 GMT.
100% Free
current version:
reviewed version:
AOL Inc.
os version req.:
age rating:
in-app purchases:

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