Newscron 4.0.8

Get all the news you need from dozens of sources with Newscron
There are a lot of things taking place around the world and it’s important to keep yourself up to date with these events. Whether it’s something of a political nature, something economical or a medical breakthrough, there’s no reason not to stay informed about what’s happening around you.

Newscron is an app that wants to help you get all the data you need from the same location. Without having to visit what can feel like a million sites, the app mixes in together newspapers, magazines and blogs to provide a full view of what’s happening in the world.

The tool allows users to pick what newspaper packages you want, and it’s ready to deliver loads of these from various countries around the world, including Austria, Belgium, Cuba, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Spain, the UK and so on. Then, you have to decide what kind of news you want to read by adjusting the categories.

With the help of multiple sliders, you’ll be able to decide how many articles from a particular category you want in the feed, varying from “none” to “a lot”. You can pick between international, digital and tech, politics, entertainment, business, fashion, sports and so on.

Once the feed is built, you can decide whether to continue checking the latest news or if to move on to news from a specific category.

The side menu reveals more options. You can, for instance, check out the article history where all the news you’ve accessed is stored, making it easier to track down those pieces that you found interesting. You can even check things from specific news sources, most of which are world renowned sites, and see those alone.

When reading a story, you’ll be able to check the stripped down version in the app, but you can also go to the source and view the article as the author (and the site) intended it to look like. These can be shared via Twitter, Facebook or added to LinkedIn, Pocket and more. When you read news over on the original site, you can increase and decrease the size of the text.

All in all, this is a great way to get your daily news so you should give this app a try.
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10 Original Screenshots
Hits & Misses


  • intuitive interface
  • easy to work with it
  • lets you control how many news from a certain category you want to get in the feed
  • pick sources


  • ad-supported
Bottom Line
Design / UI9

The app has a clean design and it’s very easy to work with it


Get the news articles you care about from a long list of sources


No reasons for concern in this regard


Normal battery consumption rate


The app is free to use, but it’s ad-supported so there’s a banner that might annoy you


The Newscron app only needs IOS 6 and up to work

Editor's Review

You should definitely give this app a go

Reviewed by Gabriela Vatu, last updated on March 17th, 07:52 GMT.
Free with ads
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reviewed version:
NewsCron SA
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in-app purchases:

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