Reuters 2.4.1

Get all the last news from the official Reuters application
News readers are among the most popular applications on Google Play Store mainly because people like to stay on top of the news and have all the information directly on their phones.

Reuters is one of the top news providers in the world with 2,800 journalists in nearly 200 bureaus around the world. The official app is filled with all the neat features you might need to get all the latest news on events unfolding all over the world.

Sleek interface with plenty of features at hand

The nice thing about this app is that it comes with a side menu that gives you access to all topics and categories found inside the app. It lets you access articles on politics, money, technology, etc. Simply tap on one category to get access to all sort of articles and reports.

The app doesn't come with a tutorial or instructions, but it's pretty easy-to-use, which means that you shouldn't have any trouble with managing the app and accessing all of its features. It also has a search bar on top of the screen, so you can find everything you need simply by typing in some key words.

Browse through articles

Aside from using the side menu with categories, you can also swipe the screen right or left in order to switch through articles. There's the option of sharing them on social networks or in an email. Other than that, users can also favorite articles and read them later, even in offline mode.

Font size can also be changed easily, the app opens a bar which you need to switch in order to enlarge the size of the text. All saved articles are found in a separate section inside the side menu.

Adjust settings to meet your preferences

Aside from this, the app also displays the date and hour when articles were added and it informs users of how many new articles appeared since they launched the app. You can pick from several editions inside the app, including the one for the United States or the United Kingdom.

There's also the option of preloading news, but only using WiFi to do so, for users to read articles in offline mode also. The app also lets you keep an eye on stock prices by creating your own list of companies and indexes right inside the app. It comes with widgets so you can check the latest news directly from your launcher.

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11 Original Screenshots
Hits & Misses


  • create a watchlist of company stock prices and indexes
  • plenty of articles and videos on various topics
  • change font size
  • read articles in offline mode
  • search for content using keywords


  • no option to customize feed
Bottom Line
Design / UI8

The interface is okay, it gives users quick access to all topics inside and to articles which they can read offline or share on social networks.


It works just fine, although it could use some more features other than the option to pick from editions and save articles to your phone.


It doesn't need that many permissions from your phone so you shouldn't worry about the app posing any privacy issues.


Consumption is normal, but you might still want to keep an eye on resources when using this app.


It's completely free of charge, no ads or in-app purchases whatsoever.


The app needs devices running Android version 4.0 or later, making it inaccessible to some users.

Editor's Review

It's a really nice news reader with high quality content.

Reviewed by Alexandra Vaidos, last updated on August 14th, 07:36 GMT.
100% Free
current version:
reviewed version:
Thomson Reuters
os version req.:
Android version 4.0 or later
age rating:
in-app purchases:

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