Lyrics Mania 2.2.13

Get lyrics to go with your favorite songs using this neat app
People like to listen to all sort of songs when they're on a walk or simply doing errands around the city. But sometimes you can't really understand what the artist is saying, making it difficult to truly enjoy the song or to sing along.

There are some music players that come with features that help you download lyrics off the internet, Lyrics Mania is not one of them. It's a database of lyrics for millions of songs and it comes with an integrated music player, so that you could play your favorite songs and even sing along.

Sleek interface with plenty of features at hand

The app launches with a tutorial showing new users all the neat features that they can access inside the app. It sports a really intuitive interface with all sections neatly arranged in the side menu on the left.

The app doesn't necessarily need online registration, but you could share lyrics easier if you sign in with your Facebook account. It doesn't have any customization features for the interface, but it does let you change the font type and size for lyrics.

Find lyrics to all songs in your library

Lyrics Mania can automatically find lyrics to all songs in your library and on top of that, you can download them to your device. The music player lets you repeat tracks or add them to your queue in order to create a playlist.

You can also search for songs on your device or sort them by various criterias, by artist, album, songs and playlist. You can copy text, change the background behind lyrics or share the song with friends on social networks. The app also comes with controls in the notification bar and lock screen.

Explore lyrics and lots of features

The app is a library of lyrics to various songs, you can explore the top lyrics by artist and songs. When you find the ones that you're looking for, you can associate the currently playing track with the lyrics. In addition, it features a list with all the top searched lyrics and you can save your favorite ones inside the app.

It also can be used to identify music playing in the background, but you'll need to make sure your phone is close to the speakers so that it could find the right song. You can also view the history of searched songs. The app isn't completely free, it comes with some banner ads and you'll have to pay 1.09$ per month or 5.29$ per year to remove them.

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Hits & Misses


  • it provides you with lyrics to all sort of songs
  • it gets lyrics for songs on your device and lets you play them
  • favorite lyrics that you like
  • identify songs
  • create playlists and sort audio tracks


  • it comes with ads
  • it sometimes associates the wrong lyrics to a song
Bottom Line
Design / UI9

It has a nice interface with a beautiful design and it lets you change the background image for displaying lyrics.


It could use some more features and the app sometimes associates the wrong lyrics to a certain song.


It only needs a few permissions from your phone, so it shouldn't really pose any privacy issues.


Consumption isn't high, but still keep an eye on resources when using this app.


It comes with ads, you'll need to pay 1.09$ per month or 5.29$ per year to remove them.


It should work on devices running Android version 2.3.3 or later, making the app accessible to many users.

Editor's Review

It's a nice app for finding lyrics to all sort of songs on your device.

Reviewed by Alexandra Vaidos, last updated on September 1st, 10:32 GMT.
Free with ads
current version:
reviewed version:
Eight Signs
os version req.:
Android version 2.3.3 or later
age rating:
in-app purchases:
Yes. remove ads for 1.09$ per month

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