Musixmatch 4.3.5

Musixmatch helps find the lyrics you want, plays the tracks and can even identify tracks
There was a time many years ago, before the Internet and before having everything one mouse click away, when a lot of us would sit around a cassette recorder, a CD player or a Walkman, playing and pausing the tracks to jot down the lyrics, trying to figure out what the artists had so say.

Nowadays, things are a lot simpler. All you have to do is know the name of the song and the artist and search for the lyrics on the Internet since there are only a gazillion sites delivering on your need to know that one line you can never understand when the song plays.

A Jack of all trades

Musixmatch is an iOS app that mixes things together a bit – it provides you with a music player for both online tracks and your iTunes music collection, and serves you with their lyrics.

The app serves you with a list of trending lyrics, namely songs that people search for on a frequent basis. Once you click on them, you’ll get to listen to the song. If there’s a video, you’ll be able to watch that one too as the lyrics roll down at the bottom of the screen, right above the music controls. You can stop displaying videos if you want to by simply adjusting this from the Settings area.

You can add any of these songs to your favorite list, sync lyrics and even edit them if need be. This will redirect you outside the app, to the dedicated webpage. You can even share things with whatever means you have listed in your iOS list.

As mentioned, you can also connect to iTunes and sync your music library with Musixmatch. Once the connection is done, the app will look for the appropriate lyrics and deliver them to you whenever you play a certain track.


The app also comes with an additional feature that will remind you of Shazam, which means that if you’re listening to a track and you don’t know what it’s called or want to make sure you have its name saved, you can have the app scan. This requires you give it access to the microphone so it can scan on its own. Unlike Shazam, however, the feature is a lot slower than we’d like.

There are plenty of settings that you can fiddle with if you want, including to change the font of the lyrics, to sync your collection automatically.

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softpedia rating


user rating 1



13 Original Screenshots
Hits & Misses


  • lyrics on screen
  • video playing when available
  • lyrics editing feature if needed
  • music identifying feature


  • rather poor search feature
  • slow-working music identifying tool
Bottom Line
Design / UI9

The app has a great design, with nice visuals that will make using it a lot easier


There are plenty of tracks that the app won’t find and the search feature could certainly suffer an upgrade


The app offers social sign in with Facebook and Google, as well as via email, but it’s not mandatory


Musixmatch will certainly eat up your battery if you use it a lot to play music and check out lyrics. More so if you allow it to play videos


The app is free to use, but you can also buy subscriptions for six months or one year to access more features


Asks for iOS 7.0 and there’s a dedicated iPad app

Editor's Review

The app has some really good features, but could use some extra work on several sections like search and music scanning

Reviewed by Gabriela Vatu, last updated on February 21st, 09:39 GMT.
Free with IAP
current version:
reviewed version:
os version req.:
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in-app purchases:
Yes. $4,99 for one year subscription, $3,99 for six months

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