Yahoo 6.0.2

Get summaries before reading the full story, local weather, popular photos and videos
Yahoo has always been at the forefront of news reporting, but ever since acquiring Summly, the service has become a truly personal experience. The official Yahoo app also keeps track of your favorite scores, stocks, videos, photos, and of course the weather.

Yahoo wasn’t always as appreciated as it is today. The company has had to get past numerous hurdles to regain a leading position among web giants, and it did so partially by using Apple’s philosophy, Apple’s design direction, and by acquiring an app that had been specifically tailored for iOS - Summly.

Inspired by iOS


ergonomic design

Ever since the Summly acquisition, Yahoo for iOS has been quite a looker. It not only takes cues from Apple’s flat mobile operating system - simplistic iconography and thin fonts - but it also sums everything up so you can get a bird’s eye view of everything that matters to you within minutes. The experience is truly enriching.

The home section of the Yahoo app doesn’t waste screen space by putting various sub-sections at the top or bottom as tabs. While this is relevant for many apps today, Yahoo saw it fit to just let the user scroll up and down, left and right, and find their own content as they please.

Yahoo is putting a lot more focus on its magazines these days and has switched up its mobile app too to illustrate this. Reading up the main stories in these magazines is now easier than ever and you should find it particularly easy to spot out the main headlines as the articles are divided into cards.

Personalized, summarized content

Users can tell the app, “yes I like this kind of stuff, give me more of this,” or “no, don’t bother me with such content in the future,” and Yahoo will remember every person’s choice and act accordingly.

The home screen gives you weather information, the latest headlines, stocks for the companies that matter to you, scores for the teams you like, and popular videos based on your likes. While the home screen scrolls vertically, each of these sub-sections scroll horizontally, revealing more weather, more stories, more stocks and game results, more photography and more video. All without moving the entire UI in that direction.

Unfortunately some buttons are highly unresponsive, such as the font slider.

Thanks to the new iOS 8 integration, the Yahoo app will display the latest content chosen for you in the Today are of your notifications area.

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24 Original Screenshots
Hits & Misses


  • Yahoo is one of the few apps that actually remembers what you like
  • very intuitive interface
  • home screen is very well designed
  • uses Summly to summarize stories


  • promotes the other Yahoo apps in the App Store
  • asks for review / rating
  • some buttons are highly unresponsive
Bottom Line
Design / UI9

Yahoo looks awesome and focuses on the content, not the menus, the ads, or social interaction. It’s made with the user experience in mind, and it shows. Some UI elements are highly unresponsive.


You can choose to get updates on your favorite things by the minute, and Yahoo always remembers what kind of stuff you like. The Summly acquisition can be felt throughout the entire app.


It’s a pretty connected service and it does have a privacy policy that you might need to look at. Weather uses location services, etc.


Normal consumption levels, nothing to worry about here.


Free without third-party ads or in-app purchases. That being said, Yahoo does use the official app to promote its other apps, and asks (from time to time) for a review in the iTunes App Store.


Requires iOS 7.0 and works with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. All iDevices are supported natively.

Editor's Review

One of the best news apps you can find

Reviewed by Filip Truta, last updated on March 15th, 10:59 GMT.
100% Free
current version:
reviewed version:
os version req.:
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in-app purchases:

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