NowThis News 2.7d

Check out the latest videos news on politics and entertainment using this neat app
Almost any Android user must have a news feed app installed on their phone, one that would deliver the latest reports on events happening all around the world.

However, not all of us enjoy reading articles so some people like to watch videos and get their information faster and in a more pleasant way. NowThis News delivers 25 fresh videos per day on important matters and entertainment news, so you can watch them anytime anywhere and stay informed.

Easy-to-use interface with an usual layout

An intuitive UI is a must for almost any news reader app, considering that people like to get their information fast and without too much fuss.

NowThis News doesn't come with a tutorial or any kind of instructions, but it does sport a comprehensive UI that won't leave you confused in any way. A side menu offers access to all sections of the app, including to news sections.

Adjust the interface to your preferences

There are some settings you can make to the UI, have the app automatically play videos when you tap on them or receive news alerts in the form of notifications on the status bar.

However, the settings icon is grayed out which makes it difficult to spot on the dark blue interface. Developers should make the settings icon more visible, as gray is often used for features that aren't available in the free version of an app.

Watch various videos

All sections of the app are neatly arranged in the side menu. Choose from top stories, videos on events unfolding in the US, politics, world news, entertainment and sci/tech.

Users get 25 original videos produced daily and the option to view the latest breaking news. Videos can also be shared with friends on Facebook, Twitter and via email.

Some of the videos come with text, but not all of them. Also, videos can be set to autoplay but the sound volume is different for each one of them, so this may become bothersome. The app could use some links to articles for further details on the matter, so users can access more information if they need to.

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Hits & Misses


  • 25 new videos per day
  • option to share videos with friends on social networks
  • enable auto-play mode
  • notifications for breaking news


  • it could use some more features
  • sound volume is different and bothersome in autoplay mode
Bottom Line
Design / UI9

The app sports a sleek and intuitive interface with many features at hand and a nice layout that makes it easy to navigate inside the app.


It works just fine, but the sound volume might be bothersome especially if you've enabled autoplay.


This is definitely not an intrusive app, so you don't have to worry about NowThis News accessing personal information that you've stored on your phone.


Considering that the app plays videos, it may take up more resources than other news feed apps so keep an eye on battery levels.


It's completely free of charge, doesn't have ads or any in-app purchases whatsoever.


It should work just fine on devices running Android version 2.2 or later, making it accessible to many users.

Editor's Review

A nice app with 25 new videos per day, but it could use some more features.

Reviewed by Alexandra Vaidos, last updated on December 30th, 10:03 GMT.
100% Free
current version:
reviewed version:
NowThis Media, Inc.
os version req.:
Android version 2.2 or later
age rating:
in-app purchases:

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