Daily News 1.16

Read the latest news articles from popular websites using a simplistic app
News reader apps are a great way of staying informed and getting the latest reports on various events unfolding around the world. They provide you with articles on all sort of topics and some of them even give you personalized content based on your preferences and previous read articles.

Daily News is one of those apps, with plenty of topics but not that many features. It's not one of the best news readers in the store, we've actually tested better ones.

Simplistic interface that's lacking some extra features

The app doesn't come with any instructions or tips to get you started, which is quite inconvenient considering that normally news readers come with tutorials to show new users how to navigate inside the app and access all its features.

Daily News also lacks a settings menu, which means that users can't make any changes to the interface or access any extra sections. It's a pretty straightforward app with only some categories for articles and not many other options.

Read articles on various topics

The app has many categories to pick from, they're all arranged on top of the screen. Read articles on entertainment, sports, business, lifestyles, technology and science.

There's also a section with all articles and one with the top news from all categories. The app collects articles from the top news websites out there, but it doesn't let you add your favorite ones to the feed.

Still, if you heart articles it will be able to give a personalized feed with topics that interest you the most which is one of the nicest features that any news reader app should have. Other than that, you can share articles with friends on social networks.

Some shortcomings

Because the app doesn't have a menu, it means that it only comes in English and doesn't provide articles in other languages as well. In addition, articles can't be saved for offline reading and there's no option of changing font size or text style.

It also lacks a reading mode and many other options that are considered basic for news reader apps. Moreover, it doesn't come with a breaking news notification or any alerts of any sort, meaning it won't let you know when new articles are added on various topics. It also doesn't have any extra themes or any sort of settings whatsoever.

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Hits & Misses


  • plenty of topics to choose from
  • personalized content based on favorited articles
  • option to share articles online
  • articles come with pictures and videos


  • no extra settings
  • can't save content for offline use
  • can't manage news providers
  • no option to adjust font size or style
Bottom Line
Design / UI7

The interface is really simplistic, users can only change topics and read articles, but it doesn't have a side menu or any extra themes.


It doesn't come with any settings or changes that can be done to the interface and the content the app provides.


It needs access to some areas of your phone that aren't connected to its features, but it shouldn't pose any privacy issues.


It takes up quite a lot of resources considering the app comes with so few features and tools.


Completely free of charge, no ads or in-app purchases whatsoever.


It should work on devices running Android version 2.3.3 or later, making it accessible to many users.

Editor's Review

Ordinary app that's quite limited and comes with few features for users, but nice content.

Reviewed by Alexandra Vaidos, last updated on February 10th, 14:15 GMT.
100% Free
current version:
reviewed version:
Daily News
os version req.:
Android version 2.3.3 or later
age rating:
in-app purchases:

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