Advanced Task Cleaner 2.0 2.9.0

Simplistic app for killing tasks on your phone and uninstalling applications
We've come across quite a few task manager apps for Android devices and while they're essential for any phone or tablet running this highly popular operating system, it's difficult to find one that meets all our requirements.

A combination of a lightweight interface and truly useful features make an app perfect, but Advanced Task Cleaner 2.0 is far from that. It promises a lot but delivers very little.

Lightweight interface that's missing an essential section

The app launches with a tutorial but it comes in the form of a pop-up message and you'll have to scroll down and read the whole text to get a clue on how the app works. Still, the UI comes in cool blue colors and opens with a list of all apps installed on the phone.

However, access to the menu isn't possible on certain devices like the Nexus, because such phones are missing the actual physical menu button. Therefore, users who own Nexus phones can't actually access the menu which is quite inconvenient because there's no way to make settings and enable the auto-kill feature.

Kill tasks and uninstall apps

Even so, users can launch Advanced Task Cleaner 2.0 to kill tasks and apps running in the background. But all the apps in the list are checked and there's no option to uncheck all of them at once. This may get annoying for those who installed many applications on their phones and don't wish to kill all of them at once.

If you're not using a Nexus device, you can enable auto-kill and have Advanced Task Cleaner periodically kill apps that are featured on a certain list and are running in the background. The app also lets you uninstall applications on your phone. Tap on one and you'll have the option of opening it, ending the task or uninstalling it.

Use the widget

Advanced Task Cleaner also comes with a home screen widget for you to use easily. Tap on it and have the app kill tasks even in screen off mode or launch the auto-kill feature. You can also have it kill non-system tasks instantly, so your phone would speed up.

Frankly, it's difficult to say if the app does its job but one thing is for sure, it definitely needs a lot more work if it intends to compete against Clean Master or other major apps in this category.

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Cache cleaner / optimizer / task managerBatteryApp manager / installer / uninstaller
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9 Original Screenshots
Advanced Task Cleaner 2.0Advanced Task Cleaner 2.0Advanced Task Cleaner 2.0Advanced Task Cleaner 2.0Advanced Task Cleaner 2.0Advanced Task Cleaner 2.0Advanced Task Cleaner 2.0Advanced Task Cleaner 2.0Advanced Task Cleaner 2.0
Hits & Misses


  • kills tasks and uninstalls apps
  • auto-kill feature for running apps
  • widget for the home screen


  • the menu doesn't open on Nexus devices
  • it takes up a lot of battery
  • opens system task killer
  • grayed out icons
  • the app freezes at times
Bottom Line
Design / UI7

The interface would clearly need more work, especially the widget menu.


Considering that users of certain phones can't access the menu, it's safe to say that the app needs a lot more improvements.


It needs access to some areas that aren't connected to its features, making this app pretty intrusive.


Consumption is higher than for other similar apps, so keep an eye on system resources.


At least the app is completely free of charge and doesn't come with any in-app purchases.


It should work just fine on devices running Android version 1.5 or later, but it does have the menu problem with Nexus phones.

Editor's Review

An app that promises a lot but fails to deliver.

Reviewed by Alexandra Vaidos, last updated on December 30th, 10:59 GMT.
100% Free
current version:
reviewed version:
Bright Wallace
os version req.:
Android version 1.5 or later
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