Chords & tabs

Browse a large guitar tablature collection and learn how to play your favorite songs
Amateur musicians and hobbyists are always looking to expand their knowledge and learn about new artists, songs and even study the music tracks.

Windows Phone users who hold as their instrument of choice the guitar can try a wide variety of tabs and practice them wit hat help of a specialized tool suggestively called Chords & tabs.

Cool looks from a friendly GUI

The appearance of this application is quite nice, with a beautiful background and carefully designed graphics throughout. The elements of the interface are transparent, so no matter which module you choose to visit, the nice wallpaper will still be visible in the background.

Going through the various sections of the utility is seamless, without any visible flaws, but there is a constant hindrance that will follow you in every corner of the app, more precisely the advertisement banners shown in the lower part of the screen.

Less bothersome than the ads, but still a nuisance, some prompts to review and rate the app will appear once in a while, especially when launching Chords & tabs.

Quickly search a comprehensive collection of songs and artists

This app offers thousands upon thousands of chords you can load and learn, so it is mainly a matter of getting as fast as possible to the songs you want to study. The dedicated lookup feature is meant to help you easily find the music tracks.

In case you want to browse manually the database, you can check out the "Artists" section and see if the songs you are after appear listed under the performing artist. Also, it is possible to find several versions of the same composition.

Customize the appearance of the tablature and play it on the spot

Practicing any of the available tracks is a simple job, as the application will scroll automatically the tab and the song text, with a speed you can modify to suit your needs. For some of the selected entries, you will also get the lyrics and extra explanations, depending on the amount of details the author decided to provide.

There are some extra features for playing the music track and saving it locally, but only the latter seems to function, even if the downloaded file might need a special player to open, as the default one will fail to recognize the format.

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13 Original Screenshots
Chords & tabsChords & tabsChords & tabsChords & tabsChords & tabsChords & tabsChords & tabsChords & tabsChords & tabsChords & tabsChords & tabsChords & tabsChords & tabs
Hits & Misses


  • customizable scroll speed and font size for the tabs
  • comes with an impressive number of songs and chords
  • users can mark their preferred songs and keep them in the "Favorites" section
  • adapts well to landscape screen orientation
  • allows users to save songs onto their phones


  • lots of ad banners inside the GUI
  • drains the battery fast
  • occasionally the search becomes unresponsive
  • the favorite songs may disappear until the app is restarted
Bottom Line
Design / UI9

The appealing looks of this utility are hindered only by the pesky advertisement banners and reminders that prompt users to leave a rating or a review.


Very well prepared to provide a wide variety of songs (over 50,000 entries), this app has everything one would need to learn how to play on their guitar their favorite music tracks. The faulty playback feature and problematic download formats make it lose a bit from the functional perspective.


For some reason that is clearly unrelated to its functionality, the application requires access to the location services and phone identity.


The considerable power consumption of this tool makes it keep the battery usage at high levels all the time it is running.


Despite some drawbacks that include the temporary disappearance of the songs in the "Favorites" list, Chords & tabs offers a great deal of value to its users.


Only those who own a Windows Phone 8 or above handset will be able to have this application installed and running onto their devices.

Editor's Review
Reviewed by Olivian Puha, last updated on November 21st, 07:36 GMT.
Free with ads
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os version req.:
8, 8.1
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