Cabinet BETA

Manage your files easily using this neat application for Android phones
File managers are among the most basic applications that any phone should have, since they help manage your files easily as well as retrieve storage space. There are many file explorer apps on Google Play Store, one neat and straightforward one is Cabinet BETA.

It's filled with all sort of interesting and useful features, like the option to create archives, move files from one folder to another or bookmark items. It even has customization options, which means that it's definitely worth a try.

Straightforward design with plenty of features at hand

The app doesn't come with a tutorial or any kind of features, but it does offer users a pretty straightforward interface that comes with material design. It has a side menu with instant access to lots of sections and features.

The app even comes with some customization options, you can change the base theme, the primary color, the accent color, thumbnail color and you can even have the app apply the same primary color on the navigation bar. Users can set the app to remember the last folder that was open when started.

Manage your files easily

You can use the app on regular phones and rooted ones, it grants you access to all system files and lets you manage them. It arranges all of your downloads, audio files and pictures into sections on the side menu. There's also a shortcut to your camera directory.

Other than that, the app lets you sort files by name, extension, size or last modified. You can also filter them by text, image, audio, video, archives and other types of files.

All folders can be arranged into grids, the app lets you change the grid size or add shortcuts to your home screen. It even displays hidden files as well as the current path.

More features

It has a search bar for finding files easier by simply typing in keywords. You can also bookmark folders and directories, move files from one location to another, rename files or archive them easily. You can have the app show the amount of free space for storage folders in the navigation drawer or list how many files and subfolders are in local directories.

You can create new files, folders and even remote connections directly from within the app. All in all, it's a good file explorer with everything that you need in order to organize and manage your files easily.

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12 Original Screenshots
Cabinet BETACabinet BETACabinet BETACabinet BETACabinet BETACabinet BETACabinet BETACabinet BETACabinet BETACabinet BETACabinet BETACabinet BETA
Hits & Misses


  • it has material design and many customization tools
  • support for root access
  • quick access to folder shortcuts in a slide-out navigation drawer
  • access to remote servers via SFTP (FTP over SSH)
  • quick access to copy, cut, rename, delete, zip, extract, and details functions for files and directories


  • it could use some more features
Bottom Line
Design / UI9

It has a nice interface with plenty of features at hand and customization options for enhancing your user experience.


It works just fine, it's filled with all sort of features that you can use in order to organize your files.


It only needs a few permissions from your phone but the app doesn't come with the option of setting a PIN code.


Consumption is normal, the app doesn't need many resources to run so you don't have to worry about it draining your resources.


No ads or in-app purchases, but you can donate up to 20$ to support development.


It should work on devices running Android version 4.0 or later, making the app accessible to many users.

Editor's Review

It's a nice file explorer app with plenty of features at hand.

Reviewed by Alexandra Vaidos, last updated on August 25th, 15:39 GMT.
100% Free
current version:
reviewed version:
Aidan Follestad
os version req.:
Android version 4.0 or later
age rating:
in-app purchases:

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