Google Keep 3.2.354.00

Avoid forgetting about important things using this really nice note-taking app
Google packed Android OS will plenty of stock apps that are among the top applications in their respective category. One of such apps is Google Keep. It's the famous note-taking app that lets you sync information across multiple devices and platforms, since it uploads all of your notes into the cloud. It's really easy to use and even sports a nice interface, making it quite an intuitive app.

Sleek design with plenty of features at hand

The app comes in a really nice design, all instructions and tips are arranged into colorful notes on the home screen. A side menu gives you access to all the neat features inside the app and you can also manage multiple accounts there and write different notes on each one of them.

There are some customization options inside the app, you can have it display notes in a single-column view or a grid and you'll simply need to scroll down to view them and tap to edit and manage them.

Create notes easily

The app makes it easy to create notes, you can add a title, the text body and have Google Keep remind you of the note in a certain day and at a specific time. You can also share the app with friends or add a color to the note to make it stand out from others.

Snap pictures or import one from the gallery to attach to notes and you can also enable checkboxes and turn your note into a list. If you're busy, you can use voice control to have the app type your note or use the camera to snap pictures and turn them into individual notes.

The search bar lets you find notes easily, simply by typing in key words. The app lets you organize your notes by adding labels to them. In addition, you can add recurring reminders to never miss regular to-dos.

Use home screen widgets

Other than creating notes, the app also lets you view them in the home screen widget. However, it doesn't display them entirely, only letting you scroll through and open the app if you need to view them entirely.

You can also make reminders for your grocery list, so that the app pull it out when you're at the store. Other than that, you may archive notes that you no longer need or delete them entirely.

The app lets you manage batches of notes but it doesn't let you place them into categories. It also doesn't let you group notes into folders and the app isn't integrated with Gmail or Inbox, which is quite inconvenient. Another feature that would be nice to have is the option to pin a single note on the home screen.

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12 Original Screenshots
Google KeepGoogle KeepGoogle KeepGoogle KeepGoogle KeepGoogle KeepGoogle KeepGoogle KeepGoogle KeepGoogle KeepGoogle KeepGoogle Keep
Hits & Misses


  • lets you organize notes by colors
  • option to attach pictures
  • home screen widget
  • archive and share notes
  • add reminders


  • it could use some more features
Bottom Line
Design / UI9

The interface is quite okay with all features at hand and with the option of rearranging notes on your home screen.


It's not integrated with Gmail or Inbox and the app doesn't let you arrange notes into categories or folders.


All notes are secured under your Google account but there's no option of adding a password to the app.


Consumption is really low, you shouldn't worry about the app draining your battery.


Since it's an official Google app, there are no ads or in-app purchases.


It works on devices running Android version 4.0 or later, making it accessible to many users.

Editor's Review

It's a sleek app for taking notes, but it could use some minor improvements and more features.

Reviewed by Alexandra Vaidos, last updated on September 4th, 08:18 GMT.
100% Free
current version:
reviewed version:
Google Inc.
os version req.:
Android version 4.0 or later
age rating:
in-app purchases:

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