SoundHound 2.0.0b

Find out song titles and artist names by playing music or humming to your phone
Sometimes it may happen that you hear a track you love on the radio and don't know its name nor who is singing it. Now you can find out on the spot with the help of a specialized tool you can install onto your Windows Phone.

Called SoundHound, this app is able to recognize virtually any tune and it comes with some extra abilities and options that make it one of the most coveted utilities of this kind.

Tidy and nicely designed GUI

The application is made with care for both form and function, so the appearance is quite visually pleasing, as it has some beautiful graphics and quality images inside. The navigation through the long chart or song lists from the results area is smooth and there are no visible glitches from this perspective.

All the functions and commands are easy to reach, but there is a noticeable letdown you will come across pretty fast and it is all about the advertisement banners that keep on changing in the upper side of the screen.

Multiple input modes and song previews

SoundHound uses the input from the on-board microphone, so you can place the phone close to a speaker to have the app work its magic and show the song and artist names on the fly. A neat feature of this application is the ability to recognize music tracks you sing or hum.

The details about the identified track include the album name and release date, as well as the lyrics that are displayed in a separate section. You can also play a preview of the song on the spot, check out the similar artists and the albums on which that particular track was included on.

If you want to share the information you just found with your friends, you have at your disposal a dedicated feature that supports SMS and email messaging, as well as Facebook and Twitter, while also allowing you to add a comment to the message you send.

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10 Original Screenshots
Hits & Misses


  • accurate song recognition for all supported input methods
  • displays the song lyrics automatically
  • users can share their findings through several methods


  • shows some advertisements inside the interface
  • could use some improvements and customization options for the GUI
Bottom Line
Design / UI8

The utility offers a clean front-end, pretty well organized and with decent graphics, but unfortunately plagued by adverts.


The accurate song recognition engine is at the core of this app's performance and the extra functions to identify tracks the user sings or hums into the mic and to provide automatically the song lyrics are some welcomed bonuses.


The utility needs to access many sensitive areas of the system, but most of them for good reason, related to the sharing features.


The power consumption is moderate while this application is up and running, so the battery usage remains average.


This is an excellent tool that is well worth having onto the mobile phone, despite the advertisements that are less intrusive than in the case of of other apps.


Well prepared for almost all Windows Phone devices out there, SoundHound only needs version 7.5 or above of the operating system to function correctly.

Editor's Review

A cool tool that gives Shazam a run for its money

Reviewed by Olivian Puha, last updated on September 17th, 08:19 GMT.
Free with ads
current version:
reviewed version:
SoundHound Inc.
os version req.:
7.5, 8, 8.1
age rating:
in-app purchases:

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