PDF Conversion Suite

Turn most documents and images into formats easy to open on Windows Phone devices
There are numerous file types that are not readable by default on mobile platforms and a specialized tool for opening them is necessary when trying to access such documents.

Nonetheless, there is at least an alternative to this method, so users can try and turn the respective files into formats that are recognized by the applications already installed onto their handsets.

PDF Conversion Suite is designed to take care of this particular task and it enables Windows Phone users to handle in a simpler manner all sorts of image types, Office documents or saved email messages.

Unappealing but easy to use front-end

The utility comes with a dull interface, completely unattractive as it lacks any element of graphical design that could be deemed even remotely pleasing to the eye.

Against the black background you have the 3 main buttons that allow you to carry out the supported conversions and there is nothing else, except for the menu hosted in the lower side of PDF Conversion Suite.

A continuous annoyance comes from the ad banner that is glued to the bottom of the screen and keeps on flashing very frequently, which becomes extremely irritating very quickly. To get rid of these adverts you will have to purchase an annual premium membership for a relatively small fee.

Load and convert supported files on the fly

The actual operation of PDF Conversion Suite is a breeze and this is one of the strong points of the app. As soon as you pick the desired type of conversion, you will be able to choose the input file from the phone's local storage or from an attached SD card.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of this application is the multitude of input formats it can work with, so you will be able to turn Microsoft Office, Open Office, Web and portable format documents, a plethora of digital image types, as well as email files into PDF, TIFF and DOCX format.

The progress of the task and the sequence of the multiple process stages is shown inside the main screen. The job is usually carried out very fast, but this depends a lot on the size of the input documents.

When it comes to saving the output, PDF Conversion Suite, will allow you to choose the preferred location onto your mobile device storage or SD card and rename the freshly generated document.

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PDF Conversion SuitePDF Conversion SuitePDF Conversion SuitePDF Conversion SuitePDF Conversion SuitePDF Conversion SuitePDF Conversion SuitePDF Conversion SuitePDF Conversion Suite
Hits & Misses


  • supports a wide variety of input formats
  • quick processing
  • can handle files form the phone's local storage and from the SD card


  • could use some configurations for the output
  • ugly interface
  • very pushy adverts
Bottom Line
Design / UI2

The appalling looks of this utility and the extremely annoying advertisement banners it displays make lose a lot from the visual perspective.


The app supports a wide variety of input formats, but doesn't offer any configurations and supports only 3 types of output.


PDF Conversion Suite keeps a low profile while running, as it only needs to access the phone identity for some reason.


The moderate power usage of this application means that the battery will not discharge fast, even on prolonged use.


All the features provided by this utility are free to use, but in order to remove the adverts, payment is required.


The more recent handsets will support having PDF Conversion Suite installed since it needs Windows Phone 8.1 to run.

Editor's Review
Reviewed by Olivian Puha, last updated on March 25th, 08:10 GMT.
Free with ads
current version:
reviewed version:
Tiny Smart Apps
os version req.:
age rating:
in-app purchases:
Yes. remove ads

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