
Check out the astrological predictions for all zodiac signs from your Windows Phone
A lot of people start the day by consulting their horoscope to see what the stars have in store for them, their friends and family. Fortunately, there are plenty of dedicated tools to choose from for any Windows Phone user.

Those who are interested in knowing beforehand the predictions for each sign could certainly find an application like Horoscope quite suitable for such purposes, as it offers all the needed information in a pretty friendly fashion.

Nicely designed interface, with a good organization of the information

A clean GUI, with a really nice look greets you from the first time you open this app, so you will enjoy some polished graphics throughout the application. Getting to the information you are interested in is pretty straightforward, as all the content is made available in a friendly manner.

Browsing through the zodiac signs to read the horoscope is very fluent and without any glitches, but, unfortunately, there are some annoyances you will have to put up with.

More precisely, there are some ad banners that appear in the lower part of the screen and they are continuously changing. Also, from time to time, you will also come across some prompts to rate the app, but these can be dismissed and disabled with a single tap.

Add as many friends as you want and get the short and long term predictions on the spot

Horoscope allows you to look at the foretelling in store for your sign and also include on your list several people you know, by simply providing their date of birth.

The detailed information is presented inside the main screen and you can share the content on Facebook or Twitter, as well as through email or SMS, by simply selecting the appropriate option from the main menu

In case you want to check out the predictions for the next day or for each day of the following week, all you have to do is simply visit the menu shown in the right side. This particular area can be accessed by tapping the calendar symbol in the upper part of the screen.

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6 Original Screenshots
Hits & Misses


  • provides a detailed horoscope for each of the 3 decanates of every sign
  • users can add as many friends as they want to the horoscope favorites list to get the predictions


  • ads are displayed in all the areas of the app
  • needs to look into a lot of system areas unrelated to the application's functionality
Bottom Line
Design / UI9

The interface looks really nice and the navigation is seamless no matter the section of the app the user is visiting. The content is structured in an easy to read manner and the one letdown related to the appearance is the presence of advertisements.


Horoscope is fast at retrieving the information concerning any of the zodiac signs and the fact that it offers predictions for periods up to a week works in its advantage.


The application will require access in some sensitive areas of the system like the phone and owner identity, phone dialer and location services.


The power consumption often passes beyond the moderate mark and the battery usage often reaches high levels while the utility is running.


On the whole, the very good performance and the ease of use recommend this freebie, so it scores very well despite the bothersome ads.


This tool is appropriate for use on any Windows Phone 7.5 and above device that has a minimum screen resolution of 480 by 800 pixels.

Editor's Review

A reliable zodiac sign prediction reader

Reviewed by Olivian Puha, last updated on January 26th, 06:12 GMT.
Free with ads
current version:
reviewed version:
ID Mobile SA
os version req.:
7.5, 8, 8.1
age rating:
in-app purchases:

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