
Check out the predictions for every zodiac sign with a simple app for your Windows Phone
People who believe destiny is written in the stars will surely like to have the horoscope for their sign delivered every day onto their preferred mobile device.

Windows Phone users can pick from a lot of dedicated apps and many bear the name of Horoscope, as is the case of the utility brought by Code Blenders. This utility brings the love, wealth and welfare predictions for all the signs of the zodiac.

Simple interface, with a customizable layout

This app has a plain look, unadorned but still with some well designed graphics throughout the various sections of the app. The main horoscope area can accommodate all the signs you select and moving from one screen to the next is fairly fluent, with a slight but noticeable delay.

The advertisement banners that seem glued to the lower side of the screen will keep on changing and sometimes you will even get some full screen ads that are really bothersome.

Pick the signs and read the predictions on the spot

Horoscope enables you to make a selection with the zodiac signs you want to read about and each of them will receive a separate section. The information includes some general considerations, then you can read on the romance, money and welfare predictions that are presented in sequence.

The forecast covers the current day and upcoming one, while also allowing you to look back and check out the predictions for the day that just passed.

Quick customizations and horoscope sharing

This app is designed to work even without an Internet connection, but it still needs the connectivity to receive the updated horoscope. You can have this task carried out automatically and the utility is also able to notify you after it is completed.

In case you feel like sending your friends the predictions for their sign, the application will only share a teaser by including a small bit of text and a link to the developer website that you can send out via SMS, email or through the social networks you subscribed to.

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8 Original Screenshots
Hits & Misses


  • allows user to read the predictions even when an Internet connection is not available


  • lots of annoying adverts
  • high power consumption
  • sharing content is done partially
Bottom Line
Design / UI5

The appearance of this utility needs a lot of improvements to become more attractive, while the irritating ads spoil whatever good impression is left after browsing through the various screens of the app.


Horoscope delivers the daily predictions for all the zodiac signs and allows users to view those for the following day, but it is limited in terms of sharing and other features.


The application needs to access several secure areas of the system, but for most of them it has a good reason of doing so.


The quite high resource usage of this app leaves a heavy imprint on the battery as the power drains at an accelerated pace.


A decent tool for getting quick horoscope predictions, this utility is not as complete as some other similar applications that are just as free.


Only users with Windows Phone 8 and higher handsets will be able to have this application installed and running on their devices.

Editor's Review
Reviewed by Olivian Puha, last updated on April 10th, 11:00 GMT.
Free with ads
current version:
reviewed version:
Code Blenders
os version req.:
8, 8.1
age rating:
in-app purchases:

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