
A basic yet very useful tool for managing the files stored inside the phone's internal memory and on an SD card
Handling the numerous files that accumulate over time and may clog the handset requires a bit of time and a specialized utility for this job. Fortunately, for Windows Phone users there are a few solutions ready to be discovered inside the Store and Files from Microsoft is one of them.

This app is able to perform a variety of elementary operations that otherwise are not possible for either files or folders, due to the current limitations of the operating system.

Plain interface, bent on practicality rather than visual appeal

The application comes with a simple and somber look, less cheerful and very much practical as there are no elements that someone would dare deem as visually appealing, unless they are big fans of black backgrounds and white fonts.

The navigation inside the app is very fluent, without any lags or glitches, as all the items stored in any folder will be loaded momentarily, so you can view the thumbnails corresponding to each of them.

View and manage your files with ease

Files offers quick access to all the items stored inside the phone's internal memory and also on the SD card, if one is available. It comes with several sorting options, based on name, date and size, so as to make the arrangement of files more suitable for each user's needs.

Each file can be moved or copied to a new location and you will also be able to erase unnecessary items or modify the names of pictures, songs, videos and other types of files. The application can look inside ZIP archives and allows you to share items via OneDrive or other apps installed onto your phone.

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softpedia rating


user rating 3



7 Original Screenshots
Hits & Misses


  • loads long lists of items speedily and with thumbnail preview
  • supports looking inside ZIP archive


  • dull interface, with no possibility to customize it
  • needs more advanced functions as it can only carry out basic tasks
Bottom Line
Design / UI6

The looks of Files is disappointing as it doesn't offer any bit of customization to the user and only the smooth navigation through files and folders coupled with a neat organization of the content earn it some points.


There are many useful features for handling the files and folders, but most of them are very basic and would be expected from any app that claims to have content management abilities. There is still a lot of room for improvement in terms of functions and file formats supported for preview.


The application doesn't touch any of the private user data stored onto the phone, so its perfect discretion has to be appreciated with top marks.


The amount of energy it needs to run is small, but when performing transfers on the device's storage, SD card and while sharing the files, the power consumption will become noticeable.


As most Windows Phone users are eager to get their hands on a file manager that can help them untangle the hordes of pictures, videos, songs and other kinds of files, this app is a pretty safe bet for everyone.


Windows Phone 8.1 users are the only ones who can enjoy having this app installed onto their handsets, provided the screen resolution is HD720P (720x1280), WVGA (480x800) or WXGA (768x1280).

Editor's Review
Reviewed by Olivian Puha, last updated on September 5th, 08:42 GMT.
100% Free
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