The latest version comes with few bug fixes and tweaks

Sep 16, 2013 11:30 GMT  ·  By

The folks at UCWeb launched a major version of their UC Browser application for Windows Phone platform about a week ago and now developers have pushed a new update onto Windows Phone Store.

One of the most popular mobile browsers on all three major platforms (Android, iOS and Windows Phone), UC Browser is great alternative to other important apps.

The Windows Phone version of UC Browser is one of the last launched by UCWeb, but it's getting better and better thanks to many updates that have been delivered in the last couple of weeks.

Unfortunately, the folks over at UCWeb did not provide any details on the changes included in the latest update for UC Browser for Windows Phone, so we must assume it only brings minor tweaks and bug fixes.

Even so, we recommend those who use the application as their daily browser to update to the latest version.

The previous version of UC Browser added a better sharing experience, as well as the option to keep music playing even after exiting the browser.

Searching optimization has been enhanced as well and more languages are now supported, such as Spanish and Portuguese.

You can now download UC Browser for free via Softpedia. Keep in mind that the application is fully compatible with all devices running Windows Phone 7.5 and higher.