There will be 86 pins to collect from Google’s booth

Feb 24, 2012 11:08 GMT  ·  By

Last year Google thought that it would be nice and fun to scatter Android pins among its partners’ booths for fans to collect at Mobile Worlds Congress 2011. There were 86 of them, but no one could imagine that people would actually want to collect them all.

Well, since these Android pins had been so successful last year, Google decided to create another set of 86 pins that will be available at its booth and its partners’ booths, just like last year.

Most of these models will probably disappear a few hours after they’ll be put on the tables, but hopefully Google will make sure to have enough in stock for everyone.

Make sure to check Google’s booth at this year’s Mobile World Congress, as well as their partners’ booths for these funny Android pins.

Android pins (5 Images)

Android pins 2012
Android pinsAndroid pins