The new mobile client flavor brings auto-shortcuts

Nov 2, 2011 06:25 GMT  ·  By

Google has just started to roll out a new flavor of the Android Market to devices powered by its mobile operating system, and users can benefit from appealing new features added to the mobile client.

Some of the main enhancements the new version of the application brings along include the option to auto-update applications, most probably involving all apps on a device.

Moreover, the new Android Market flavor will automatically add shortcuts for new applications straight to the homescreen, and will also deliver smaller fonts.

Other changes include update over Wi-Fi only, new app drawer icon, voice command button, and a series of changes to the interface as well.

The new Android Market arrives on devices as version 3.3.11 and is being delivered over the air. However, the .apk file is available for manual download as well, Android Police notes. .