The Math Arena - Mathematics for Higher-level icon

The Math Arena - Mathematics for Higher-level APK


The Math Arena is a solution for anyone who wants to improve their mathematical skills, take tests from all major topics, get explanations for each question, and track their progress.

Description & Features



Free Download

School lessons are not enough if you aim to master particular subjects. You can take tutoring sessions or study on your own to reach a higher level of knowledge. The Math Arena is an application that supports this idea, and thus it promises to assist anyone who is looking to grow their mathematical abilities. Therefore, it increases the level of difficulty bit by bit to help you evolve gradually.

The mobile solution covers almost all major math topics, including equations, linear functions, algebraic expressions, polynomials, complex numbers, differential calculus, probabilities, geometry, trigonometry, and vectors. Users are free to choose any category that sparks their interest and then answer a series of questions at their own pace. Furthermore, they get the chance to read explanations after submitting an incorrect reply, play mini-games against the clock, and keep track of their progress.

The dev team also encourages users to take advantage of the feedback feature if they want to receive personalized answers to their questions from math experts. However, it is worth mentioning that all assets are available only after upgrading to a premium plan.

  For more information on downloading The Math Arena - Mathematics for Higher-level to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Boost your math skills
  • Choose from many topics
  • Answer questions and read explanations
  • Play mini-games
  • Track your progress
  • Unlock more benefits via subscription

The Math Arena - Mathematics for Higher-level APK versions (5):

current version:

The Math Arena - Mathematics for Higher-level 2.7.5 + 4 more available
  10 screenshots:
Mathe Arena