PROTO - circuit simulator icon

PROTO - circuit simulator APK


A user-friendly Android app that lets you effortlessly design and simulate electronic circuits. With a wide range of components, integrated oscilloscope, and export options, explore the world of circuits and unleash your creativity.

Description & Features



Free Download

PROTO is a user-friendly Android app that allows you to dive into the world of electrical circuit design, simulation, and exploration. With its intuitive interface, designing and simulating electronic circuits becomes a breeze.

Starting in the workspace section, designing your circuits is a seamless experience. The addition of new electronic parts to your simulation is just a tap away, thanks to the handy Plus button located in the lower right corner.

PROTO offers a wide selection of components, ranging from sources and linear components to diodes, transistors, switches, integrated circuits, sensors, fuses, and transformers. You'll find everything you need to construct your circuits efficiently.

To monitor voltage within your circuits, PROTO provides an integrated oscilloscope. The scope editing area provides additional customization options, such as adjusting line size, and opacity, and enabling voltage collector and current settings, enhancing your simulation experience.

PROTO seamlessly transitions from the design phase to behaving as a real electronic circuit. Its advanced simulation engine accurately models circuit behavior, allowing you to analyze voltage and current values, identify potential issues, and verify the functionality of your designs.

Sharing your circuit designs is made easy with the Simulation Settings window. You can export your circuits as high-quality JPG, PNG, or PDF files. However, do make sure you have the correct add-on installed to utilize this convenient feature.

If you're looking to learn and explore, PROTO offers a wide array of circuit examples. Organized into categories such as converters, digital circuits, filters, gates, generators, oscillators, and sensors, these examples serve as valuable resources for studying and understanding the design process. Simply choose an example that sparks your interest and embark on a journey of circuit exploration.

PROTO empowers you to unleash your creativity and explore the limitless possibilities of electronic circuits, whether you're an electrical engineer or an electronics enthusiast.

  For more information on downloading PROTO - circuit simulator to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Intuitive interface for easy circuit design and simulation
  • Wide selection of components for versatile circuit creation
  • Integrated oscilloscope for real-time voltage monitoring
  • Accurate simulation engine for precise circuit behavior analysis
  • Convenient export options for sharing circuit designs

PROTO - circuit simulator APK versions (1):

current version:

PROTO - circuit simulator 1.20.0
  9 screenshots: