Notepad 365 - secure notes in the cloud icon

Notepad 365 - secure notes in the cloud APK


Notepad 365 is a tool that lets users capture important information anytime and anywhere, format text, insert images, organize files into separate sections, and share notes as PDFs.

Description & Features



Free Download

The app developed by Mobile Software House promises to be a reliable companion for anyone who wants to keep track of their ideas within a straightforward interface. It gives them the chance to write notes on the go, even when offline. However, the first step users should take after installing the software is to sign up for an account. Then, they can create many different notebooks and sections for better organization of their files.

The mobile solution enables users to format text, apart from simply recording their ideas. It lets them change the font color, underline and highlight specific words or phrases, indent paragraphs, and modify the alignment. Likewise, they can build numbered lists or bulleted lists, insert checkboxes, and add hyperlinks to any website they want.

Furthermore, users may attach images, documents, and other categories of files from the local storage. They can also take advantage of the quick search feature to find any keyword they need in a flash and export notes as TXTs or PDFs. Additionally, users get the chance to share notebooks and authorize other people to edit the content apart from reading it.

  For more information on downloading Notepad 365 - secure notes in the cloud to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Capture your ideas within an easy-to-use interface
  • Format text, import images, and add hyperlinks
  • Export notes as TXT or PDF files
  • Share notebooks and collaborate with other people.

Notepad 365 - secure notes in the cloud APK versions (2):

current version:

Notepad 365 - secure notes in the cloud 1.3.3 + 1 more available
  10 screenshots:
Mobile Software House