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Notan - Grade Calculator APK

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With customizable subject options, flexible grade calculation methods, and support for systems like Abitur, Notan provides a practical solution for students to organize their academic progress and make informed decisions about their performance.

Description & Features



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Notan is an Android app designed to assist students in managing their grades and tracking their academic progress. With a user-friendly interface and helpful features, Notan simplifies the grade calculation and organization.

The UI is split into four main sections: 1st Term, 2nd Term, Abi, and Settings. In the 1st Term and 2nd Term sections, users can easily add subjects by tapping the Plus button. A variety of subject specializations are available, including Accounting, Art, Math, Dance, Poetry, Programming, Sculpture, and World History.

There are options for adding grades, ranging from 0 to 10, as well as the final grade, for adjusting the rounding by specifying the desired number of decimal places. Additionally, the tools section provides features such as calculating averages to assist users in analyzing their grades.

Users can change subject names, select different icons, adjust weight percentages, and modify the default availability for the 1st and 2nd terms.

An interesting feature of Notan is the Grade Groups functionality, which offers three modes: percentage, multiplication, and separate terms. These modes enable users to combine grades in different ways. For instance, users can mix grades from the 1st term with double the grades from the 2nd term or exclude the 1st term grade from the final grade calculation.

The Abitur section allows users to input grades for different subjects, each with its weight percentage. It is divided into two parts. The first part provides a comprehensive breakdown of grades per term, displaying the total number of points earned. It also includes a school system table comparison for easy reference. The second part allows users to calculate their overall grade based on up to five subjects and the total number of points accumulated.

  For more information on downloading Notan - Grade Calculator to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Customize subjects
  • Calculate grades
  • Flexible grade groups
  • Abitur support
  • Personalize settings

Notan - Grade Calculator APK versions (1):

current version:

Notan - Grade Calculator 2.10.0
  15 screenshots:
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