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Milki - Pomodoro Study Timer APK


Milki is a solution that lets users track their study sessions, work tasks, and many other activities, set custom targets, and check detailed statistics.

Description & Features



Free Download

The Android software aims to be an excellent choice for anyone looking to fight procrastination and increase productivity. It enables users to accurately track time for their study efforts, work routines, personal life chores, and many other undertakings within an intuitively designed interface. But first, it asks them to sign up for an account and choose a nickname.

After completing the setting up phase, users must select an option from the activities list that suits their needs. Likewise, they can create custom projects to personalize their experience even further. The app relies on the Pomodoro technique, which divides tasks into 25-minutes intervals separated by 5-minutes breaks. Additionally, it lets users change these durations but only if they upgrade to a premium plan.

Therefore, after tapping the start button, the mobile solution begins tracking time. Pause the study or work session whenever you need it and set custom targets for each project to achieve your goals effectively. Likewise, you get the chance to check the activity history, analyze charts, monitor your performance, and synchronize information across devices.

  For more information on downloading Milki - Pomodoro Study Timer to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Use the Pomodoro technique to boost productivity
  • Track study and work tasks accurately
  • Create custom activities and set goals
  • Explore statistics and charts
  • Sync data across devices

Milki - Pomodoro Study Timer APK versions (4):

current version:

Milki - Pomodoro Study Timer 2.3.1 + 3 more available
  10 screenshots:
Christopher ODonnell