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LinkedIn Learning APK


If you are looking for a comprehensive learning app with plenty of courses on business administration, technology, innovation, time management, and efficiency, make sure you check out the LinkedIn Learning Android app.

Description & Features



Free Download

The application was developed by LinkedIn, the network that connects the world's professionals and it's a must-have since it includes courses and videos created by its members.

As soon as you get connected, the app suggests some topics to follow. You can choose your own and pick the courses to attend. Not only courses but you can also watch interesting videos, listen to lectures, watch live sessions with experts, create collections, and earn certifications, which you can later add to your LinkedIn professional account.

Each course has an overview section with details on the author, a short description and what skills are covered, a section with the content separated into chapters, and a Q&A section. The My Learning area is where all your done or in-progress, courses are, recommended, assigned, or saved.

LinkedIn Learning has also offline capabilities and lets you download your courses whenever your mobile device is not connected to a cellular network or WiFi, and what's interesting is that it allows video or audio-only playback. To keep up with the learning process and push yourself to learn more each week you can set goals from 15 minutes to 120 minutes each week.

  For more information on downloading LinkedIn Learning to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Online and offline learning courses
  • Video and audio-only presentations
  • Q&A section
  • Separate chapters and notations

LinkedIn Learning APK versions (1):

current version:

LinkedIn Learning 0.256.6
  5 screenshots: