Color Gear Lite: create harmonious color palettes icon

Color Gear Lite: create harmonious color palettes APK


Color Gear Lite is an app that lets you extract hues from pictures, create custom tint combinations, discover hexadecimal codes, and share palettes with friends.

Description & Features



Free Download

The Android software promises to be a fine choice for anyone who wants to make the most appropriate and impressive color combinations. It brings a reliable collection of assets within a straightforward interface that users can access without registering for an account. They get the chance to play on an intuitive color wheel at any time, whether to design an art project, draw a portrait, or create a website.

The mobile solution helps users discover monochromatic, analogous, complementary, triadic, and rectangular color schemes in a flash. After selecting an option from the top bar, they are free to move their fingers on the digital wheel until finding the right shades. Likewise, they can detect hexadecimal codes, give custom names to their palettes, and share mixes with friends.

Furthermore, the app lets users extract colors from pictures. After uploading an image from the local gallery, the algorithm detects colors and displays their codes automatically. Additionally, users may edit the output if they are not satisfied with the predefined tint combinations and select only specific hues from those options.

  For more information on downloading Color Gear Lite: create harmonious color palettes to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Create customized color combinations
  • Choose the most suitable schemes
  • Extract tints from photos
  • Save and share color palettes

Color Gear Lite: create harmonious color palettes APK versions (2):

current version:

Color Gear Lite: create harmonious color palettes 3.1.1-lite + 1 more available
  10 screenshots: