File Manager by Borqs Ltd.

Manage your files easily using this application for your Android phone
File managers are very useful tools for organizing all sort of files on your device. They come with all sort of options and features for providing users with everything they may need in order to manage their files easily.

There are many file managers that could help users organize their files on the device. File manager by Borqs is a good application, that has all sort of features to help users manage their files easily.

Sleek interface with plenty of features

The app launches directly with the home screen, without having a tutorial or at least some instructions to help new users get an overview of the application and features that it provides. It doesn't use material design, but it still has an intuitive interface so you shouldn't really have any trouble with using this app.

You'll find some more features under the overflow icon on the bottom of the screen, including a search bar for finding items easily. The app doesn't take long to scan your device for files, it displays all of your major folders on the home screen.

Manage your files easily

Simply tap on a category to open, you can sort files by multiple ways including by name, size, time and type. You can also use the search bar to find items within folders. You can share items, open directories, add items to the list of favorites or rename them.

In addition, users can delete, copy, cut and even compress files. It displays the total size of storage on your device, together with the amount of free space. The app lets you search for items by directories, you can create new folders, view item properties or set shortcuts to the home screen.

More features

The app has some settings that you can use, have it show hidden files and folders, support decompressing rar files. It's nice that the app has categories on the home screen for pictures, videos, music, documents, installed apps, archives, apks and favorites.

All in all, the app is nice but it doesn't have that many features, none when it comes to customization tools. But it could use some more features and tools, considering that there are so many similar applications on the internet. It could use some more tools, aside from options to move, copy and compress files.

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7 Original Screenshots
File Manager by Borqs Ltd.File Manager by Borqs Ltd.File Manager by Borqs Ltd.File Manager by Borqs Ltd.File Manager by Borqs Ltd.File Manager by Borqs Ltd.File Manager by Borqs Ltd.
Hits & Misses


  • it arranges folders by categories or directories
  • share files on social networks
  • set ringtones and add favorites
  • rename files, delete, copy and cut
  • compress and decompress files


  • it could use some more features
Bottom Line
Design / UI8

The interface is quite nice, with a nice layout but it could use some more features especially for customizing the UI.


It could use some more tools for organizing files on your phone, especially since there are so many other file managers on the market.


It needs many permissions from your phone, but the app shouldn't really pose any privacy issues.


It needs lots of resources from your phone, consumption might be a bit high so keep an eye on resources.


It doesn't come with any ads or in-app purchases.


It should work on devices running Android version 4.0 or later, making it accessible to many users.

Editor's Review

It's a nice file manager, but it could use some more features.

Reviewed by Alexandra Vaidos, last updated on April 25th, 12:18 GMT.
100% Free
current version:
reviewed version:
Borqs Ltd.
os version req.:
Android version 4.0 or later
age rating:
in-app purchases:

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