Unlimited MP3 Downloader

Browse the hottest music tracks and play or download the ones you wan to keep on your phone
A lot of users prefer to store their favorite music tracks onto portable devices so as to have them at hand no matter where they are. However, finding and downloading the songs is necessary first of all and there are some specialized apps that can come in handy for that.

For those who want to fill up their Windows Phone powered device with all the audio files it can carry, one of the tools that can help them do that is suggestively called Unlimited MP3 Downloader.

Simple GUI, focused on functionality

This application comes with some neat backgrounds and the graphics are also decent, while the way in which the content is organized makes it very easy for you to go through all the categories and listed songs.

Going through the menus and lists of songs is smooth and without glitches with only a small delay when opening the Top 10 sections that you are presented with inside the home screen.

The advertisements are quite pushy and some appear in full screen, which can be a real nuisance. Also, there are some reminders that prompt you to rate Unlimited MP3 Downloader right after opening it.

Go through the music categories and carry out quick searches

The application offers a neat set of music genres with the top tracks listed inside, so you ca easily browse the most appreciated songs. There is also a dedicated "Search" section were you can type in the artist or music track name you want fond and you can also use the suggestions offered by the utility.

If you tap on any of the music tracks shown inside the app, the playback will begin automatically, but there are no special controls at your disposal only the play/stop button.

Save the downloaded songs locally

The downloader component of this app works pretty well and supports several concurrent transfers, so you will be able to store inside the dedicated area of the utility all the songs you like. More so, from the same section you can tap and hold any item to reveal the command that can send it to the local Music Hub.

In case you want to send out to your friends the transferred tracks, this function is supported by Unlimited MP3 Downloader, but this option should be used with extra care, as it will also reveal the ID of your mobile device, along with the firmware version and carrier information. These details are contained in the hyperlink generated for the message you want to send.

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8 Original Screenshots
Unlimited MP3 DownloaderUnlimited MP3 DownloaderUnlimited MP3 DownloaderUnlimited MP3 DownloaderUnlimited MP3 DownloaderUnlimited MP3 DownloaderUnlimited MP3 DownloaderUnlimited MP3 Downloader
Hits & Misses


  • multiple downloads
  • users can share the songs
  • the saved tracks can be transferred to the phone storage


  • needs some controls for the audio playback
  • accesses a lot of system areas for no reason
  • considerable battery usage
  • lots of irritating adverts
Bottom Line
Design / UI6

The GUI is quite simplistic and there are many low quality the images inside, while the annoying advertisements work to its disadvantage.


With this app users will have the possibility to easily locate and save the songs they are after and even transfer the tracks in the phone's local storage.


Unlimited MP3 Downloader is a bit too curious as it peeks into several sensitive areas of the system for no apparent reason.


The power consumption for this utility is high and the battery remains substantial when streaming or downloading the music tracks.


All the features provided by this app are free of cost and the only drawback comes from the adverts, so the value it has overall is remarkable.


Those willing to try this application for themselves will have to do it on a Windows Phone 8 and higher device.

Editor's Review
Reviewed by Olivian Puha, last updated on April 14th, 05:45 GMT.
Free with ads
current version:
reviewed version:
Tap Plus
os version req.:
8, 8.1
age rating:
in-app purchases:

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