
A neat app that can be used to keep scores for several sports from a Windows Phone device
An important aspect of playing various sports games is ensuring both teams enjoy a fair treatment and have instant access to the current score at any moment. To make a bit easier the job of game officials or pretty much anybody who is in charge with keeping the score, some dedicated apps have been developed.

Windows Phone users can pick their preferred tool of this kind from a variety of alternatives one of which is the app that goes by the name of ScoreIt.

Friendly front-end, easy to work with

This particular utility provides a distinct layout than many other similar applications and also as a special feature, it only runs in landscape mode.

The large score tiles shown inside the main screen are very easy to read and the backgrounds are quite inspired and suggestive for each of the supported game types.

Quite a bit of bother is the presence of some advertisement banners in the upper part of the screen, while once in a while a reminder that prompts you to rate the app will appear as well.

Pick a game and add or subtract points

ScoreIt is ready to handle soccer, American football, baseball, basketball, hockey and tennis, offering you a distinct layout for each type of game you choose.

Awarding the scored points for each team is done by tapping the corresponding tile for the home or visiting teams, while making corrections in case you added too many points can be done by pressing the "-" sign under each score tile.

Point multipliers, game saving and result sharing on the fly

Depending on the game type, this utility makes it possible for you to add more than one point at a time, which is quite helpful in the case of American football and basketball. Thus, you can choose the multiplier factor and when tapping the score tiles that number of points will be added automatically.

Each game can be saved and given a particular name, so you can review all scores from the "Open" section of ScoreIt. To send out the results of a game you can use the built-in share functionality that supports several methods of distributing the data.

There is a bug that affects the scoring for tennis games, in fact it makes it virtually impossible to use this app for scoring these matches because the only increment available is 15, so one cannot display scores like 30-40, highlight advantages after a deuce situation or keep the scores for tiebreaks.

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Score keeper
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10 Original Screenshots
Hits & Misses


  • comes with a neat collection of backgrounds dedicated to each sport listed in the main screen
  • has a neat point multiplier system useful for several team sports


  • unusable for keeping scores in tennis
  • displays lots of annoying ads
Bottom Line
Design / UI8

The looks of this app are decent, with a nice touch provided by the several background layouts, but the ads ruin much of the experience.


Basically suitable for games from any team sport, the app offers a selection of the most common games. Unfortunately, the tennis component is unusable and the app loses some points there.


The application is fairly discreet as it doesn't access sensitive areas of the system, but it will still need to look for some reason inside the music library.


ScoreIt takes up a moderate to high amount of power to function well, so the battery usage remains well above average.


A good choice for several team sports, this utility offers a decent alternative to other similar tools, but has some disadvantages that make it lose a couple of points here.


Only those who try this app onto a Windows Phone 8 and above handset will manage to have it up and running without any issues.

Editor's Review
Reviewed by Olivian Puha, last updated on September 29th, 13:15 GMT.
Free with ads
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8, 8.1
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