Percentages Calculator

Stay in full control of any type of percentage calculations thanks to a savvy virtual assistant
Most people come across various percentages or proportion figures on a daily basis, especially considering the numerous discount offers visible in numerous markets, stores, shops and other such places visited by many.

For those who are curious to find out all the values related to discounts, tax increases or decreases and many more, Percentages Calculator is the application to call in to aid.

Attractive appearance and practical layout in one package

This utility comes with a smooth and nice looking interface that sports some beautiful graphics and a neatly organized list of components. The quick access to the calculators and the ability to pin each of them to the Start screen so as to have them at hand at all times are some valuable assets from this perspective.

Every so often some prompts to rate and review application will appear out of the blue, but they can be dismissed very easily and are far less intrusive than the ads most apps display during their runtime.

Carry out numerous types of computations and share results on the spot

The variety of percentages that can be computed with the help of this utility covers many possibilities. Thus, besides basic calculations like finding out the percentage of a number, this app enables you to discover the percent by which some value has changed. Also, you can calculate the initial worth of an item, if the current price and the amount by which it decreased or increased are known.

In the main list of functions, as well as inside the calculators you have at your disposal clear explanations that define the purpose of each component of Percentages Calculator. All the results can be copied to the system clipboard with a single tap on the corresponding button or shared just as easily, provided that you have gone through the setup of this Windows Phone feature.

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12 Original Screenshots
Percentages CalculatorPercentages CalculatorPercentages CalculatorPercentages CalculatorPercentages CalculatorPercentages CalculatorPercentages CalculatorPercentages CalculatorPercentages CalculatorPercentages CalculatorPercentages CalculatorPercentages Calculator
Hits & Misses


  • supports many types of percentage calculations
  • each of the calculators can be pinned to the Start screen
  • results can be shared or copied to the clipboard with a single tap


  • occasionally prompts to review and rate the app will appear
Bottom Line
Design / UI9

The aspect of this application is nearly flawless, with its nicely designed home screen and smooth navigation through all the functions. Pinning any calculator the to the Start screen will make it more appealing, while you also capitalize on the practicality of Percentages Calculator and the occasional prompts are the only thing users could do well without.


This app passes with flying colors all the tests and provides a most useful set of percentage calculation tools for all users. The ability to send the results to the clipboard or share them is a welcomed bonus.


Percentages Calculator treats pretty well the privacy of the user and of the information stored onto the handset, but it still needs to access the phone and owner identities.


The power consumption is minimal while the application is running, so the battery will lose only a small amount of energy because of this utility.


Hands down one of the most complete calculation tools of this kind, Percentages Calculator is a must have for all users who have to make such computations regularly.


Only users of Windows Phone 8 and above devices can benefit from this app onto their handsets, provided that their screen resolution is HD720P (720x1280), WVGA (480x800) or WXGA (768x1280).

Editor's Review
Reviewed by Olivian Puha, last updated on September 4th, 07:25 GMT.
100% Free
current version:
reviewed version:
Thomas Tsopanakis
os version req.:
8, 8.1
age rating:
in-app purchases:

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