Music Tube 1.1.1

Browse the huge YouTube music database to find and listen to your songs with a neat Windows Phone app
Most users turn to the well-known YouTube service when they want to quickly find a specific music track and if you are one of them, you will enjoy having Music Tube onto your handset.

This particular application was made to provide you with a simple means of getting all your preferred songs in playlists you can listen to anytime, as long as there is a working Internet connection available.

Good looks and simple customizations at hand

Music Tube comes with a nice interface, that can be customized a bit by selecting one of the wallpapers available inside the app as backgrounds. The graphics are clean and neatly designed as well, while going through the menus and lists of songs has a smooth feel to it.

The occasional prompts to rate the app and particularly the advertisement banners are somewhat of a bother, as they keep flashing in every area of the application.

Find music tracks and add them to your playlists

The very responsive search engine at your disposal doesn't waste any time and loads the results based on the keywords you provided in a few split seconds.

Creating playlists is a fun job, as the utility offers not one but three types to choose from. This means you will be able to make MP4 video lists, MP3 playlists, where only the audio stream is played and online playlists that are not cached, as opposed to the other types.

Manage the playback with a set of specific functions

There are quite a few controls for the playback, allowing you to move forward or backward in the list and inside the currently playing track, repeat the list or just a single song, shuffle the playlist and lock the screen orientation.

While listening to the songs you will notice a drawback of Music Tube, related to the quality of the audio for MP3 playlists, which is average. For the other types of playlists, things are much better, with the highest quality available.

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14 Original Screenshots
Music TubeMusic TubeMusic TubeMusic TubeMusic TubeMusic TubeMusic TubeMusic TubeMusic TubeMusic TubeMusic TubeMusic TubeMusic TubeMusic Tube
Hits & Misses


  • very good set of commands for controlling the playback
  • can create 3 different types of playlists with cached or streaming content


  • displays ads during its runtime
  • uses a lot of battery power
Bottom Line
Design / UI9

The GUI is well put together and the fact that it allows users to change the backgrounds, even if with a very limited choice of wallpapers is still a positive thing, while only the ads and prompts lose some points for Music Tube.


A very solid feature set is hidden inside this package, with several types of playlists, numerous controls for the playback, including remaining and elapsed track time. All these, coupled with a very good search engine and an immense song database to browse earn the app top marks.


The application is quite curious regarding the sensitive information stored on the system, as it requires the location services to be activated and needs access to phone and owner identities, as well as to the phone dialer.


As most applications that stream online videos (some in HD quality), Music Tube drains the battery pretty fast, as it has a high power consumption.


Most users who are looking for an application that can hold their preferred music at hand through YouTube playlists should be happy with this utility, despite the ads and high battery usage.


Users who own a Windows Phone 7.5 or higher handset will be able to run this app without any issues, as long as the screen resolution is HD720P (720x1280), WVGA (480x800), or WXGA (768x1280).

Editor's Review
Reviewed by Olivian Puha, last updated on September 4th, 14:34 GMT.
Free with ads
current version:
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os version req.:
7.5, 8, 8.1
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in-app purchases:

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