Weblock - AdBlock for iOS 4.0

Block annoying ads (text ads, banners and popups) in almost every app
Ads are everywhere these days, and because the App Store is a good place to sell an ad-supported app, many of the free titles that you’ll find in there have ads in them. Ads are annoying, often very intrusive, and they drain your battery.

While ads do have a legitimate purpose in this world (how else was Flappy Bird supposed to return any profit to its creator?), many developers make excessive use of them, causing some apps to become unusable because of the constant displaying of ads. Enter Weblock.

Two-pane UI

A standard ad blocker for both iPhone and iPad, Weblock by FutureMind has a very small and simple UI. It’s basically just a two-pane affair most of the time. Filters are displayed neatly and in order of importance. The design is not iOS 7-inspired, but it’s in line with Apple’s own direction.

Blocks ads even in apps

Weblock is not about the looks, mainly because you won’t be using the app all that much. Its purpose is to block ads, and it does so even after you close it.

The setup process is cumbersome, but FutureMind does its best to outline the steps in the built-in FAQ. Once you’ve enabled the thing, all you need to do is define your filters and be done with it. You can close the app and start enjoying an ad-free experience from then on. You can always return to Weblock to tweak its filters, and even define your own rules and add specific sites and services that you want blocked. Yes, Facebook is one of them.

You can easily remove widgets and plugins, Like buttons, and comments on sites you visit. You can do the same for someone else's device by configuring their Wi-Fi connection to control its ads with your Weblock app.

The app blocks banners, popups on websites and in apps. It does the job well, but obviously it fails to block all kinds of ads. However, FutureMind is committed to covering all bases, and urges users to tell them what they want blocked in the future. Starting with version 3.0, you can also use Weblock's redirect feature to emulate /etc/hosts entries for HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

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13 Original Screenshots
Weblock - AdBlock for iOSWeblock - AdBlock for iOSWeblock - AdBlock for iOSWeblock - AdBlock for iOSWeblock - AdBlock for iOSWeblock - AdBlock for iOSWeblock - AdBlock for iOSWeblock - AdBlock for iOSWeblock - AdBlock for iOSWeblock - AdBlock for iOSWeblock - AdBlock for iOSWeblock - AdBlock for iOSWeblock - AdBlock for iOS
Hits & Misses


  • blocks ads not only on the web but in apps too
  • blocks more than just ads (widgets, etc.)
  • stays closed and still works its charm


  • font is a little too small
  • setup process is difficult
  • WiFi remote-control feature worrying
Bottom Line
Design / UI8

The simple and straightforward interface ensures you know exactly what you’re doing at all times. Text can be a tad too small for users with less than 20/20 vision.


Blocks banners, popups on websites and in apps, works with YouTube, Pandora, Facebook and pretty much every place where you’re likely to find ads.


The WiFi setup process shouldn’t have to display the user’s URL for clipboard copying, and the remote control feature sounds a bit worrying. Unfortunately, Weblock can also mess up the functionality of some apps.


No problems in this department. Especially since you won’t be using it much, and you can actually close the app and still reap its benefits.


Some may consider $1.99 / €1.79 to be a tad too much for such a tool, but keep in mind how much stuff it’s able to block.


Works with everything that can handle iOS 5.1

Editor's Review

You’ll thank yourself for getting it

Reviewed by Filip Truta, last updated on March 17th, 07:35 GMT.
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