Weather forecast 1.5

Get all the weather info you need not only for today, but also for the next ten days
What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow? Well, there are multiple ways for you to find out, including to turn on the TV and wait patiently for the news section to be over to get to the weather forecast.

Of course, searching the Internet for the proper information is also a way to do things, although the most efficient way is probably to get a mobile app which immediately provides you with the data you need for your location.

Get your forecast

Weather Forecast is an app that mixes in a great design with spot-on weather data. Of course, the latter part is a given nowadays since these apps always seem to get their information from the same place.

The tool will want access to your location as soon as you launch it, which will pay off in the end since it will help provide the right data for wherever you are, including if you choose to travel. This means, however, that your GPS location isn’t exactly a secret.

The app’s interface is clean and intuitive, which makes it easier to handle. At the top of the page you’ll see the expected temperatures for the current day and the following night, as well as those for the next couple of days, along with the expected weather condition. At the bottom of the screen you’ll notice the current temperature.

As you swipe your finger over the screen, you’ll find the multi-day forecast. At the very top there’s the 36 hour forecast that you can scroll through (left and right), while below you’ll find the five-day forecast which can be extended to ten days. The expected temperatures are visible, along with the weather info.
Lower still there are additional details about the day, including how many degrees it actually feels like when stepping outside, the humidity levels, visibility and UV index. Details about the wind speed are also available.

More features

The side menu is accessible via the hamburger button in the top right corner. There you can enable and disable the geo location feature, and choose how the app will look. You can either use the image background or go with solid colors, although the first option looks so much better. It’s also possible to choose whether you want to use Celsius or Fahrenheit degrees and decide whether you want to get push notifications for extreme weather.

The app allows users to add multiple cities to the app, which you can either search for or pick from the suggested list. Navigating your city list is quite easy and only requires that you swipe left and right from one to the next.

This is a pretty nice app that provides all the details you need to know about the weather as long as you aren’t looking for ultra-specific information.

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6 Original Screenshots
Weather forecastWeather forecastWeather forecastWeather forecastWeather forecastWeather forecast
Hits & Misses


  • intuitive UI
  • two theme options
  • 36 hour forecast
  • 10 day forecast
  • multiple cities


  • hasn't been updated in a long time
Bottom Line
Design / UI9

This is a great-looking app that’s also easy to navigate


Find out all you need to know about the weather forecast for the next few days


The app needs access to your GPS location


Normal battery drainage rate


This is a free app


The app only needs iOS 5 and up to function, but it hasn’t been updated in years. Despite everything, it still worked fine with iPhone 6+ and the latest iOS version

Editor's Review

Weather Forecast is a nice tool that you should find quite useful to have installed on your device

Reviewed by Gabriela Vatu, last updated on March 9th, 10:53 GMT.
100% Free
current version:
reviewed version:
Beijing Kingsoft Internet Security software Co.Ltd
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in-app purchases:

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