WWE Mayhem icon

WWE Mayhem APK

4.0/5 1

WWE Mayhem is fun, and exciting Android game based on the WWE license and brings all of the famous characters to your phone.

Description & Features



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WWE is always more of a spectacle than a sport in real life, but the WWE Mayhem game is taking things to another level. The game gathers famous people such as John Cena, The Rock, The Man- Becky Lynch, Rhonda Rousey, Brock Lesnar, and many other characters.

Users will be able to play in matches between WWE Legends and WWE Superstars or choose a specific class for their character. WWE Mayhem has over the top reversals and moves that haven’t been seen until now, and which would be impossible to pull out in real life.

It’s possible to play with your friends or in versus mode, but the end goal is the same, and that is to get the WWE Championship Title.

  For more information on downloading WWE Mayhem to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Play with your favorite WWE character
  • Take part in awesome matches
  • Win the Champion title

WWE Mayhem APK versions (69):

current version:

WWE Mayhem 1.66.186 + 68 more available
  8 screenshots:
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