Wuta Camera - Realistic Selfie icon

Wuta Camera - Realistic Selfie APK


Wuta Camera is a tool that lets anyone beautify their selfies and videos with a few taps, adjust makeup, apply real-time filters, add stickers, and share creations to social media.

Description & Features



Free Download

If you are among those people who think every photo or clip becomes more impressive after editing, this app could be an optimal solution for your requirements. It has an easy-to-use design and enables you to manipulate an intuitive toolkit on-the-go.

Users get the opportunity to enhance their pictures and videos before even tapping the shutter button. For instance, they can adjust face features without a hitch, whether to change skin tone, remove blemishes, slim their chin, shrink their nose, enlarge their lips, or whiten their teeth. Furthermore, the Android software lets them add makeup, apply a variety of filters, and attach funny stickers to animate every project.

Besides that, the mobile solution enables you to record clips with background music. You may explore the built-in collection until finding the most suitable track or import songs from your device to make sure of grabbing viewers’ attention from the very first moment.

With this app, users can also turn previously taken photos into pencil sketches, add their signature, and specify the date. In the end, they have nothing left to do but share pictures, GIFs, and videos with friends on social platforms.

  For more information on downloading Wuta Camera - Realistic Selfie to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Enhance selfies and clips with real-time filters
  • Adjust face features and add makeup
  • Record videos with background music
  • Share creations to social media

Wuta Camera - Realistic Selfie APK versions (21):

current version:

Wuta Camera - Realistic Selfie + 20 more available
  10 screenshots: