trivago - Hotel & Motel Deals icon

trivago - Hotel & Motel Deals APK


trivago is an application for Android that gives users the possibility of finding a great hotel deal with the least amount of effort.

Description & Features



Free Download

Getting the best deal for a hotel room can be arduous because people need to access different resources. If you enter the same details on ten different websites, it’s going to take a long time until you find the offer that you need.

On the other hand, if you use an application such as trivago users will be able to search multiple resources and websites at once, insuring that the best possible deal will be made available.

With the help of trivago people will be able to compare results from more than 200 booking sites worldwide, which gathers over a million hotels in over 190 countries.

  For more information on downloading trivago - Hotel & Motel Deals to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Plan you trip with down to the last details with trivago
  • Reserve hotels rooms near important attractions
  • Check hotel review and comments from tourists
  • Use the map to find nearby hotels

trivago - Hotel & Motel Deals APK versions (85):

current version:

trivago - Hotel & Motel Deals 5.89.1 + 84 more available
  8 screenshots: