Termius - SSH/SFTP and Telnet client icon

Termius - SSH/SFTP and Telnet client APK

3.0/5 1

Termius is a powerful Android application that serves as SSH/SFTP and Telnet client and which can be used with a variety of platforms.

Description & Features



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The ability to connect remotely and locally to another platform, such as a Raspberry Pi or AWS instance cannot be underestimated and being able to do so from an Android is all the more important.

With the help of Termius, users will be getting a SSH client with ECDSA, ed25519, and chacha20-poly1305 support, will be able to connect to Windows, Mac, and Linux, and get access to  SSH, Mosh & Telnet protocols.

Also, RSA/DSA/ECDSA key generator and Putty keys importer are available as well, along with Password, key, and 2FA authentication. Also, it’s important to mention that Terminal Touch comes with the support of arrow keys, Ctrl and Alt.

  For more information on downloading Termius - SSH/SFTP and Telnet client to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Connect remotely to other platforms
  • Support for various encryption protocols
  • Support for touchscreen

Termius - SSH/SFTP and Telnet client APK versions (105):

current version:

Termius - SSH/SFTP and Telnet client 5.9.8 + 104 more available
  5 screenshots:
Crystalnix Limited