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Solid Explorer APK

3.0/5 1

Solid Explorer is a powerful and versatile file manager for Android that gives users control over their operating system.

Description & Features



Free Download

The ability to browse the contents of the file system is not available on all Android devices, which means that users might need the help of a file manager and Solid Explorer is just the right tool for the job.

With Solid Explorer, you can see all the regular folders in the operating system, with the exception of the ones that are from the OS itself. There are lots of ways to organize the folders and the files, perform searches, and actions such as delete, copy or move.

The interface for Solid Explorer is clear and easy to use, which means that you won’t get lost. It shows the occupied space for files and folders, which is a very good tool if you want to know why you don’t have space on your device.

  For more information on downloading Solid Explorer to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Check out the files and folders on your Android device
  • Move or copy files from one place to another
  • See what’s occupying the space on your phone
  • Search for specific files

Solid Explorer APK versions (52):

current version:

Solid Explorer 2.8.33 + 51 more available
  9 screenshots:
Solid Explorer File Manager