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ProgTV Android APK

3.0/5 1

ProgTV is an Android solution for people that want to watch TV or listen to radio stations online.

Description & Features



Free Download

Many of the radio stations have some sort of an online presence, and the same can be said about TV stations. With an application such as ProgTV, users can easily access them from their phones or tablets.

With ProgTV, users can connect to pretty much any radio or TV stations that emit online, with just a few taps. It comes with support for M3U(M3U8), XSPF channel lists, torrent TV links, Kartina TV, Xtream-Codes IPTV panel, and much more.

The app also permits users to timeshift, to record, and even to schedule various content. Also, there is support for subtitles, where possible, and users can also choose to save channels to favorite lists.

  For more information on downloading ProgTV Android to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Watch TV online
  • Listen to Radio online
  • Support for all types of transmissions
  • Much, much more…

ProgTV Android APK versions (101):

current version:

ProgTV Android 2.79.2 + 100 more available
  7 screenshots:
Andrey Borodin (Prog)