MobileTrans-transfer data to new phone icon

MobileTrans-transfer data to new phone APK


MobileTrans is a solution for users who want to transfer photos, videos, documents, contacts, applications, and more between devices in a flash.

Description & Features



Free Download

The app developed by the team at Wondershare aims to be a fine choice for anyone who has recently bought a new mobile device and wants to transfer data from their old phone or tablet on it. As a result, users have to authorize several permissions when launching MobileTrans for the first time. The app requires access to their local storage, contacts, and calendar to mediate future data transfers.

There are two different ways to migrate files from one device to another. One of these methods requires both phones or tablets to have an internet connection. But users can also transfer data through a QR code. After installing the mobile solution on both devices, they have to specify which one is new, respectively old, create the connection, and select the files or folders to migrate.

The transfer does not take long, but the duration depends on the total amount of data that needs to move from one gadget to the other. MobileTrans works not only on multiple brands but also across platforms. Therefore, it enables users to migrate pictures, videos, music, documents, contacts, and apps from Android to iOS and vice versa without a hassle.

  For more information on downloading MobileTrans-transfer data to new phone to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Transfer data between devices and platforms
  • Connect gadgets through a QR code
  • Use a Wi-Fi connection
  • Select files and folders to migrate

MobileTrans-transfer data to new phone APK versions (4):

current version:

MobileTrans-transfer data to new phone + 3 more available
  9 screenshots: