Inshorts - News in 60 words icon

Inshorts - News in 60 words APK


Inshorts is an Android app that promises to offer concise news stories that have been shortened to just 60 words.

Description & Features



Free Download

If you feel that Twitter's 140 characters are just not enough to properly express your ideas, what do you say about news stories that have been condensed into just 60 words? It's true that 60 words are going to be much more than just 140 characters, but it's really short for a news piece.

The application promises to condense all the information into a bite-size news piece that can be read immediately. Inshorts users a powerful engine that trims some of the content, keeping only what's important. That's not to say that it's possible some of the important info won't get to the reader.

Of course, the users can define some domains of interest, and they can share items of interesting with their friends.

  For more information on downloading Inshorts - News in 60 words to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Get really short news pieces
  • The app only presents what's important
  • News stories only have a maximum of 60 words

Inshorts - News in 60 words APK versions (59):

current version:

Inshorts - News in 60 words 5.4.15 + 58 more available
  8 screenshots:
Inshorts (Formerly News in Shorts)