AirBrush: Easy Photo Editor icon

AirBrush: Easy Photo Editor APK


AirBrush is an app that promises to help anyone to quickly edit pictures, remove skin imperfections, retouch makeup, and apply filters.

Description & Features



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The software provides an extensive set of tools developed with professional photographers and makeup artists through which it enables users to enhance their photos and selfies smoothly, automatically or manually.

They can choose to fix pictures step-by-step and adjust the lighting source, remove acne scars and other blemishes to obtain a radiant perfection, change the skin tone, whiten their teeth to boast a delightful smile, brighten their eyes, use the “Concealer” tool to hide dark circles, get rid of wrinkles and add a touch of blush to their cheeks.

With just a few taps, the application also lets you completely change your facial features and reshape your face, chin, eyes, nose, and lips without plastic surgery.

Use the real-time editing tools to adjust your selfies before taking the pictures, modify dimensions, apply filters, add a vignette effect, deploy the “Blur” function to highlight only the significant details and share images on social media networks.

  For more information on downloading AirBrush: Easy Photo Editor to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.


  • Remove skin imperfections
  • Reshape facial structure
  • Whiten your teeth and light up your eyes
  • Retouch makeup and apply filters

AirBrush: Easy Photo Editor APK versions (92):

current version:

AirBrush: Easy Photo Editor 5.7.0 + 91 more available
  12 screenshots: