EFF Alerts 0.0.5

Fight for your rights in the digital age together with the Electronic Frontier Foundation
It seems that the advance of technology has determined a clash between politics and moral concepts that represent the foundation of human rights. People should feel free to express themselves how the wish on the internet, but there are some that use it for unorthodox purposes.

Still, the internet should belong to the majority of people and that's why they should have a say whenever Congress or any state institution passes a law that bans just about anything on the online.

EFF Alerts is the official app of Electronic Frontier Foundation, providing the means for people to get involved in the matter.

The official app of the leading nonprofit organization

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world. It's main purpose is to ensure that rights and freedoms are enhanced and protected as our use of technology grows.

EFF Alerts is the official app of the foundation, a way in which regular people can join the cause and stay informed on all the laws passed by Congress, mainly those that regard the internet and freedom of speech.

Become an activist and support the cause

Laws regarding internet use affect all of us and people should take action if they strongly believe that legislators don't fully represent their views and expectations on the matter.

EFF Alerts offers regular people the chance to join together and fight for freedom on the internet. It's a pretty simplistic app that doesn't even need registration meaning that strength is in the numbers when it comes to this cause.

As the name depicts, the app sends users a request usually meaning they should call, email or tweet Congress, showing their support or disapproval of proposals or bills. The app helps users take actions internationally to help preserve digital rights in your country, and around the world.

Spread the word

It's important for people to express their views, especially on matters that affect their freedom of speech or privacy online, so users of the app should help spread the word by sharing the application with their friends and acquaintances via email, text message or social networks.

The app is only available on Android devices, not iOS due to matters connected to Apple's privacy policy. It seems that iOS is rather restrictive with its store and applications that are marketed there.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation doesn't agree with many paragraphs in the policy, thus they couldn't create a version for iOS users. Still, people can access their official website and support the cause there.

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4 Original Screenshots
EFF AlertsEFF AlertsEFF AlertsEFF Alerts
Hits & Misses


  • calling or emailing the U.S. Congress to help advocate for better technology laws
  • tweeting at the White House to ask for better policies
  • sharing the app and its campaigns
  • taking actions internationally to help preserve digital rights


  • it should have a news section and links to the website
Bottom Line
Design / UI9

The interface is really nice, the overall design and layout makes us think that developers have put a lot of thought into this app.


The app works like a charm, but it could use a section with the latest news and bill proposals on the matter so people would stay informed at all times.


It only needs access to a few areas of your phone, but they're all connected to its features, so it shouldn't pose any privacy issues.


Consumption is minimal, you'd only be using the app briefly but periodically so it surely won't drain your resources.


Completely free of charge, the app only requires users to dedicate a small portion of their time for civic duty.


The app was optimized to work on multiple Android versions from 2.3.3 or later.

Editor's Review

Civic duty made easy, support a cause that affects us all.

Reviewed by Alexandra Vaidos, last updated on January 8th, 08:55 GMT.
100% Free
current version:
reviewed version:
Electronic Frontier Foundation
os version req.:
Android version 2.3.3 or later
age rating:
in-app purchases:

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